10 tips for a healthier and more balanced eating routine:
1. Have more meals during the day (pauses for less than 3h30m) and in controlled portions.
The importance of having 5 to 6 meals a day is due to the ability to regulate the physiological mechanisms that control appetite, generating better control of food intake throughout the day. Making fractional meals allows a more balanced distribution of food throughout the day, however, you must take into account the foods chosen to make up the meals and the portions consumed, since it is no use to make more meals if they have a high-calorie density and inadequate portions.
2. Include fruit and vegetables in the main meals
Tip: Always eat soup at main meals or at least ensure that this group makes up about ½ of your plate at main meals.
3. Drink water throughout the day.
Ensure regular water consumption, at least of 1.5L. If you find it hard to meet this recommendation, try flavored waters.
4. Perform regular exercise
Move! Any physical activity is better than sitting. Walking, running, swimming, dancing, the important thing is to stay active to ensure that you use up more energy or at least the same, that you consume daily.
5. Varying meal components
All foods, even if they belong to the same group, have different macro and micronutrient compositions. Therefore, the more you vary your diet, the easier it will be to meet your nutritional needs.
6. Decrease your salt intake
Read labels carefully, reduce consumption of foods that have gone through a salting process, pre-cooked meals, among others. Gradually reduce the salt you add to your meals. Aromatic herbs are a great choice and guarantee flavor to your food.
7. Reduce the addition of sugar in meals and the consumption of sugary products.
Try to get used to the natural taste of foods like milk, coffee, and tea without adding sugar. Avoid consuming too many sugar-rich products. These foods should be eaten more occasionally and rather after a meal as they are less absorbed by the body.
8. Follow simple, no-fat or low-fat cooking methods
Promote simpler cooking methods such as grilled, boiled, stewed or baked. If you add fat to your cooking, prefer olive oil in small quantities. Avoid fried foods as they contain large amounts of fat. Foods such as margarine, lard, butter, cold cuts, cream, pre-prepared sauces, broths, puff pastry, patties, etc. should also be moderated.
9. Choose products in their most natural state over highly processed products
Processed foods as the name imply undergo many processes until they reach their final state. In addition to being less appealing from a nutritional point of view, they also have the addition of additives whose aim is to increase their durability and/or enhance their organoleptic characteristics, so give preference to foods in their raw state, that is natural.
10. Avoid or moderate alcohol
Generally speaking, alcoholic beverages have no nutritional interest and have a high caloric density. When you consume them, do so in moderation! Pregnant women, children, adolescents and young people under 17 should not consume any portion of alcohol.