The meat from a nutritional point of view
Despite being a controversial theme, it is undisputed that the moderate addition of meat in our diet is important and can positively contribute to a balanced diet. Meat is a prime provider of high biological value proteins, B-complex vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and phosphorus. It stands out for being a great source of Vitamin B12, which in case of deficit can cause megaloblastic anemia, fatigue, and nervous system problems.
Meat belongs to the “Meat, fish and egg” group, and a daily intake of 1.5 to 4.5 servings is recommended. One serving is 25g of cooked meat (30g raw) or 1 medium-sized egg.
Aged Meat
The meat aging process is a natural method in which the enzymes that already exist in the meat act on the fibers for longer, resulting in more tender meat.
Briefly, there are two types of maturation: i. Vacuum maturation, also known as wet-aging and; ii. “Bone” dry maturation with temperature and humidity control, called dry-aged. Commonly, when it is called aged meat, it refers to matured in dry-aged.
In wet-aging, the strict control of refrigeration temperatures, the number of days of maturation, and vacuum integrity are crucial factors for successful maturation.
Dry-aged carcasses or unpacked parts are subjected to controlled temperatures and humidity for a minimum of 14 days and may reach several weeks in the process of maturation. In this maturation process, exposure to air promotes dehydration of the meat and concentrates the flavor, giving the meat the famous “umami” flavor, a natural taste buds exciter, which is found between sweet and salty and is much appreciated by consumers of mature meat.
Thanks to naturally triggered chemical processes, mature meat gains unique flavors and an extremely desirable texture.
We believe that the success of a dry-aged matured meat is directly related to the quality of the meat and the time given to it for maturation.
When it comes to meat quality, it should be noted that it should have a marbling that ensures juiciness, cover fat to protect the meat during the aging process and to increase the maturation time, preferably from animals with enough time to grow. In this field, it is very important for the quality of meat that, from the beginning, animal welfare is guaranteed.
With quality meat, good temperature and humidity control, and enough time to age, we achieve the best flavor development and enhanced flavor intensification, creating a unique experience in eating mature meat.