According to the World Health Organization, the amount of salt ingested should be less than 5g / day. (2.5 teaspoons / day)
However, the Portuguese population consumes on average much more of the recommended daily dose.
High salt intake is associated with arterial hypertension and, consequently, cardiovascular disease.
To reduce salt intake it is crucial to moderate not only the intake of salted products but also the use of salt in preparations, confections, and seasonings.
Some suggestions for using aromatic herbs:
[highlight dark=”no”]Rosemary[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]Parsley[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]Coriander[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]Bay[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]Basil[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]Oregano[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]Celery[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]Chives[/highlight]
Source: Lopes A., Teixeira D. et al. ERVAS AROMÁTICAS – UMA ESTRATÉGIA PARA A REDUÇÃO DO SAL NA ALIMENTAÇÃO DOS PORTUGUESES, Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudável – Direção-Geral da Saúde, Janeiro de 2015