Halloween is approaching and is a time characterized by overconsumption of sugary “empty” calorie products, usually with high levels of simple sugars and fat and, on the other hand, a low or zero intakes of vitamins, minerals or fiber.
The Quinta dos Açores Nutrition Center presents a tasty and nutritious suggestion, with a significant integral component and using a much appreciated seasonal product, which may be the perfect alternative to the sweets usually shared among children on Halloween: Pumpkin dark chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
[highlight dark=”no”]Ingredients:[/highlight]
Fine Oat Flakes: 100g
Oat flour: 50g
Pumpkin: 200g
Orange Juice: 1 Tbsp
Honey: 1 tbsp
Cinnamon: ½ tsp
Dark chocolate chips: (optional)
[highlight dark=”no”]Preparation:[/highlight][boc_spacing height=”10px”]
- Pre-cook the pumpkin, then Puree the pumpkin until smooth.[boc_spacing height=”10px”]
- combine all ingredients in a container, except for the dark chocolate chips, and mix thoroughly until a smooth paste is obtained.[boc_spacing height=”10px”]
- Shape into identical balls and arrange on a tray with parchment paper. Using a spoon, give the desired shape to the cookie. You can use a mold if you want the cookie to look more perfect. [boc_spacing height=”10px”]
- Add dark chocolate chips or chunks to the cookies.
- Bake at 356ºF for about 15 minutes. [boc_spacing height=”10px”]
Try our recipe and share the result with us!